Monday, July 20, 2009

Hello everyone I promised a really big post, but I have hit a snag, I could not use the materials I was counting on so I have to rewrite everything I had already typed. Please be patient a little while longer, I am doing research about the topic, so I will be working on it this week. Lord willing I will have it up next Monday, until then thank you for your patience I pray I will not let you down. God Bless and have a wonderful week.

Your brother in Christ
Joel Gaffney

Friday, July 10, 2009

A bit of National History

I found this song on an old record I bought for 10 cents at the library, It is no ordinary song, it is a marching song of our Continental army back in 1776, It is a song of hope, courage and a belief in an Almighty God. Let us read these words and remember that God started this nation for his purposes not for our own leisure and amusement. Let us remember also the Men, Women and Children that God has used to make this a country to be proud of.

(William Billings)

Let tyrants shake their iron rod
And slav'ry clang her galling chains;
We'll fear them not. We trust in God;
New England's God forever rains.

Howe and Burgoyne and Clinton, too
With Prescott and Cornwallis join'd,
Together plot our overthrow,
In one infernal league combined.

When God inspired us for the fight
Their lines were broke, their lines were forc'd,
Their ships were shelter'd in our sight
Or swiftly driven from our coast.

The foe comes on with haughty stride,
Our troops advance with martial noise.
Their vet'rans flee before our youth
And generals yield to beardless boys.

What grateful offerings shall we bring,
What shall we render to the Lord?
Loud hallelujahs let us sing
And praise his name on every chord.

May God Bless each and everyone of you.

Your friend and brother in Christ